
Live Streaming: A Statement from Softball Australia

Published Sat 07 Jan 2023

While Softball Australia understands the disappointment in the decision to not make a live stream available for all national softball tournaments this year, we have done so having taken into consideration several factors.

The protection and the safety of the children playing our game is paramount and while comparisons are being made to other organisations and national sporting bodies, these organisations have fully functioning internal streaming or partnership services in place. These services come at significant cost, such as the infrastructure to edit out a child that is under any type of protection, from a live stream. While some national events were streamed in the past, it cannot continue without this capability being in place.

We will however be providing daily still photography for which we have the capability to ensure that child protection orders are adhered to. 

This decision has been made with the safety of all the children playing in the National Championships in mind, and has been made with advice from independent child safety experts. We are currently investigating the resources required and financial model that can be put in place to invest in the live streaming of all our National Championships.
