Published Tue 11 May 2021
MAY 11, 2021
Softball Australia would like to thank the hundreds of administrators for attending the ‘Intro to revolutioniseSPORT’ Training sessions over recent weeks, we trust you found the sessions informative and helpful in your Club’s/Association’s transition to the new platform.
These sessions were solely focused on what the platform can do and were a very broad, top-level summary of the platform’s capabilities.
This will hopefully provide you with some background knowledge of the platform, which helps make things easier when you get access to your accounts and start configuring your portals to take registrations.
Most Clubs and Associations have now been set up with their very own revolutioniseSPORT account. Some are still pending some minor edits to the data provided to the Member States and others are yet to complete this data and return it to their relevant Member State.
These portals have been set up and admin access will soon be issued to the member nominated for each Club or Association. If you are receiving this email, you may be the nominated member for your Club or Association.
As such, you will receive an automated email with your username and a link to set your password if you are the nominated administrator. Please remember your login information contained in the email.
Setting your password:
When you create a password, you will be prompted to log into your account for the first time. We strongly recommend bookmarking this login page, so you can easily find it in future.
Once you have created your password, you’ll be able to log into your portal with those details and start configuring your account.
To assist with this, we’ve provided some pre-recorded training material that will guide you through the initial set up of your portals. These webinars (and a brief description of what they include) are linked below:
Training Materials:
- revSPORT Platform Demonstration – a pre-recorded version of what was presented during the ‘Intro to revolutioniseSPORT’ sessions.
- revSPORT Getting Started webinar – a guide addressing the aspects of your account that need setting up early, ultimately enabling member registrations. This will cover some of the content from the sessions but in more detail and in a more practical demonstration.
- revSPORT Quick Start Guide – is a written guide containing the initial steps you should follow to get your account up and running.
Remember, there’s an abundance of resources available in the Help section of your accounts that will provide considerable assistance upon you being given access.
If the FAQ articles and help videos don’t resolve your queries, revolutioniseSPORT’s support team are just a couple of clicks away and you can get in touch with them by going to Help > ask for help within your account.
We do ask that you contact revolutioniseSPORT via the ticketing system as opposed to email, as response time for emails is generally slower and tickets are linked to your account. This means that they can be more easily accessed in the future than scrolling through emails and provide a full audit trail of communications between yourself and revolutioniseSPORT.
Further Training Opportunities
To help clubs and associations through the set-up process we will be continuing the training opportunities with a series of live FAQs sessions for the next 4 Thursday nights.
Session 1:
- Thursday 13th May, 2021
- 7pm – 8pm AEST
Session 2:
- Thursday 20th May, 2021
- 7pm – 8pm AEST
Session 3:
- Thursday 27th May, 2021
- 7pm – 8pm AEST
Session 4:
- Thursday 3rd June, 2021
- 7pm – 8pm AEST
All Club/Association administrators are welcome to attend these sessions where you will have the chance to ask questions live on the night and workshop solutions.
Use the above links to join any of the Thursday Sessions.
Any unanswered queries though should be directed to