
Home Run Heroes Face-to-Face Coaching Education Sessions

Published Mon 25 Jul 2022

So, you’ve got a whole bunch of kids at your Club or Association who are jumping out of their skin to realise their inner Home Run Hero in a ‘Sidekicks’ program.

You’ve also filled in our HRH EOI Form, found dates and a location for the program, and even given your program a name.

But wait, you don’t have enough people to help run your HRH session! Oh no!!

Never fear, Softball Australia is here, with our face-to-face HRH coaching sessions.

Delivered by fully professional and qualified State participation staff, face-to-face coaching education sessions are available in ALL States and Territories, and teach new and current coaches how to successfully deliver a Home Run Heroes 'Sidekicks' program for your Association, Club, or School.

Sessions run for approximately 90 minutes, are 100% free, and fully qualify participants to run Home Run Hero programs.

Softball Victoria Participation Coordinator Dani Rigg said, “We recently ran a coaching education session with volunteers from Dandenong Softball Association and the Knox and District Softball Association. The session covered the basics of delivering HRH programs, and everyone had a great time when we introduced the HRH activities.

“The people there had a range of previous coaching knowledge, but regardless of background, the session gave everyone the confidence to deliver high-quality HRH programs. We also upskill Club and Association volunteers so they can recruit and train new coaches into the system.”

For more information, please contact Participation Staff in your relevant state.
